Tautan-tautan Akses


This is English USA, on VOA. Now, Lesson 51, Part 1 English USA Suara Amerika, Pelajaran Ke 51, Bagian Pertama.

Dalam pelajaran ini, kita akan meninjau kembali kalimat-kalimat yang telah dipelajari, dan Anda akan dibimbing berbelanja di toko. Martin Learner membeli sebuah radio kecil untuk puterinya di sebuah toko elecktronik.


CLERK: Hello.

MARTIN: Can you help me? Do you have radios?

CLERK: We certainty do.

MARTIN: I want to buy my daughter a radio.

CLERK: What kind of radio?

MARTIN: I’m looking for a small radio.

CLERK: How old is your daughter?

MARTIN: She is fourteen.

CLERK: Do you want a CD player?

MARTIN: No. Only a radio.

MUSIK: Excuse me. Look at these radios. I’m going to answer the phone.


CLERK: Sorry.

MARTIN: That’s OK. Can you help me now? This radio is twenty-nine dollars. This one is thirty seven. And this is one fifty eight.

CLERK: That’s right.

MARTIN: What’s the difference?

CLERK: The twenty-nine and the thirty-seven dollar radios are about the same. This one looks better. THe more expensive one plays with batteries and with electricity.

MARTIN: And the twenty-nine dollar one?

CLERK: It only plays with batteries.

MARTIN: I see. Tell me about the fifty-eight dollar radio.

CLERK: It sounds better. It has better speakers. Does your daughter listen to music?

MARTIN: She likes music very much.

CLERK: It’s better for music. Listen to this.


CLERK: Isn’t that nice? Also the tuning is easier.

MARTIN: What do you mean?

CLERK: The expensive radio has large dials for tuning. See how easy it is. The other radios have very small dials. They aren’t easy to turn.

MARTIN: She has smaller fingers.

CLERK: That’s right.

MARTIN: May I try?

CLERK: Of course. Excuse me a moment. I’m going to help these people. Look at the larger radios too.


CLERK: Do you like that?

MARTIN: It’s good. Show me what this does.

CLERK: That’s for an antenna. But you won’t need it. It has an antenna inside. That’s for an antenna outside.

MARTIN: Can you show me some larger radios?

CLERK: Of course.

MARTIN: Are they more expensive?

CLERK: Some larger radios are not expensive. Some are expensive. How much do you want to pay?

MARTIN: I don’t know. I don’t want to pay more than a hundred dollars.

CLERK: OK. Let’s look at these three radios. This one is forty-six dollars. This one is forty-six dollars. This one is fifty-nine dollars. And this one is ninety-nine dollars and ninety-nine cents.

MARTIN: Ninety-nine and ninety-nine cents is too expensive.


Minta bantuan bermanfaat ketika bepergian, berbelanja, atau kegiatan-kegiatan lain. Anda dapat menggunakan permintaan sederhana atau perintah sopan yang telah Anda pelajari, Umpamanya”Please show me. Tell me please. Please write for me.” Cara termudah ialah, meminta bantuan sperti Martin. Dengarkanlah.

MARTIN: I want to buy a radio. Can you help me? I want to look at this radio. Can you help me now?

Bayangkan sekarang Anda sedangdi sebuah toko. Sesudah pelayan toko menyambut Anda, katakanlah “ Hello. Can you help me please?”

CLERK: Good morning.

ANDA: …………

CLERK: Hello.

ANDA: …….

CLERK: Good afternoon.

ANDA: ……………..

CLERK: Listen to this one. I like it. It has very good sound.

MARTIN: I want to look at some other things please.

CLERK: Of course. We have telephones on sale.

Anda baru saja mengikuti English USA SUARA AMERIKA, Pelajaran Ke 51 Bagian Pertama. Jangan lupa mengikuti pelajaran selanjutnya.