(Kumpulan topik dalam "HOW DO YOU SAY THAT?")
Setiap hari Selasa, Rabu, Jumat, Sabtu
dalam Siaran Pagi (jam 05:00-06:30 WIB)
Bahasa Indonesia English
Nirlaba > Non-profit Mau, harus > Slang-"wanna," "gotta" Kata–kata mutiara > Proverbs Kesemutan > (leg,arm) fell asleep Kram > Cramp Pikiran kosong > "My mind went blank" Urakan > Rowdy/unkempt Norak > Tacky/in bad taste Mengerling > side glance, flirt Melirik > steal a glance, flirt Rumit/bingung > Confound Tahi lalat > Mole/birthmark Plin-plan > Wishy-washy Telur setengah matang/matang > Soft-boiled/hard-boiled egg Bermulut manis > Lip service, sweet-talk Amburadul > Chaotic, disorganized Selangit; berbunga-bunga> "Top of the world" Leyehan > Lay down Mulet > Stretch Latah > Parroting; copycat Pemimpi, Pengelamun > "Head in the clouds," dreamer Yang lain > The others, another Salam > Greetings Tunggu sebentar > "Hold on" (Bingung) > "Hang on, are you telling me…?" Alat musik tiup > Wind instruments Kena batunya > You had it coming Lari seperti dikejar setan > Run as if chased by a ghost Hanyut > Drowning Sunatan > Circumcision Sensasi > Sensation, sensational Muntah/muak > Throw up/fed up Aduh amit-amit > "God forbid" Dukun bola > Dukun-shaman, Dukun bola-like a mascot Gotong royong > Cooperative Angon sapi > Cowboy Cemburu buta > Jealous rage Patah hati > Broken heart Gagu > Mute Kutilan > Wart Mencurigakan >
Slang-"sketchy" Tidak begitu,
nggak juga > "Not so much" Buyar > Lapse (in concentration) Pakem > Responsive Bersin > To sneeze Hidung meler > Runny nose Pedagang kaki lima > Street vendors Pedagang asongan > Peddler Bagus, hebat > Great! Bodoh > Moron, imbecile (insults) Tidak apa-apa > No problem, no big deal - "no biggy" Dikitik-kitik > To be tickled Gosong > Burnt Kasih saran ya > Please give me advice, okay? Sok tahu > Smart aleck, Mr. Know-it-all Uleg-uleg > Pestle Melotot > Bug-eyed Jebol > Collapse Penjebolan hukum kolonial > The end of colonial laws Puisi > Poem Pantun > Poem, verse Peribahasa > Proverb: "The longest journey begins with a single step." Jangan sok puitis deh kamu > Hey you, cut the silly nonsense Ngos-ngosan > Out of breath Ekonomi ngos-ngosan > Economic slump Tabu > Taboo Sinting > A crazy, nutty person Cinta buta > Love is blind Terapi > Therapy Serak-serak basah > Throaty, husky voice Gombal, rayuan gombal > Baloney Genit > Flirtatious Sok > Arrogance Jangan kapok main ke sini, yach?> Please come visit again Etika muslimah berpakaian > Muslim women’s dress norms Nglilir > To stir from sleep Ngiler > To drool or want something badly (drool over something)
Cepek > 100 in Chinese (in Indonesia) Kekasih gelap > Secret lover Mengecil > To shrink Psikiater > Shrink, psychiatrist Dasar kamu
nich > It is no surprise, it is expected of you Ingin sekali menang/ senyuman maut > Killer instinct (in sports)/killer smile Naksir > Have a crush on someone Kelihatannya sore ini akan hujan > It looks like it is going to rain this afternoon Sampaikan salam saya pada… > Give my regards to… Apapun nanti hasilnya > Come what may Malam Jumat > Thursday night Jumat malam > Friday night Mau datang ke rumah hari Jumat?> "Would you like to come to our house on Friday?" Introducing yourself > "Hi, my name is John. Pleased to meet you." (shake hands) Dilarang buang sampah di sini > No littering Dilarang berada di sana tanpa tujuan> No loitering Dilarang parkir di sini > No parking Ih,
ngegemesin banget sih! > Aww, so cute! (I could just eat you up!)
Istilah "gaul"
"Cuekin aja lagi" > "Don’t let it bother you", "Don’t think about it" Ngedumel > Whining, complaining Mejeng > "See and be seen"/to pose Gaul > Very social/ social butterfly Kuper (Kurang Pergaulan) > Unsocialized/introverted Lu ada acara malam ini nggak? > Are you free tonight? Kantong kempes/Tongpes > Flat broke
Rasain > Serves you right Nongkrong > To sit around doing nothing GR (Gede Rasa) > Big-headed/egotistical PD-Percaya Diri > Self-confidence BT-Bete, butuh teman > Lonely, needing a friend EGP-Emang Gue Pikirin > I don’t care, whatever BS-Bayar Sendiri-Sendiri > To go dutch (everyone pays for their own meal) PDKT-Pendekatan > How to get closer to someone you like—through words of praise