Tautan-tautan Akses


This is English USA, on VOA. Now, Lesson 14, Part 2. ENGLISH USA, Pelajaran Ke 14, Bagian Ke 2.

Dalam pelajaran ini, serombongan siswa Sekolah Menengah Atas menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan mengenai pekerjaan mereka. Mereka bekerja penggal waktu di sebuah taman hiburan. Anda juga akan belajar bagaimana bertanya dan menjawab pertanyaan mengenai pekerjaan.


RALPH: Kristi, where do you go to school?

KRISTI: I go to school at St. Mary’s High School.

MARTIN: How old are you?

KRISTI: I’m fifteen years old.

MARTIN: What do you do?

KRISTI: I work at the stable.

CELIA: Oh, I love horses!

KRISTI: Do you work on Monday?

CELIA: No, I don’t work on Monday. I work on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.

KRISTI: Come see me on Monday.

RALPH: I like horses too.

KRISTI: When do you work, Don?

DON: I don’t work on Monday, Wednesday, or Friday.

KRISTI: I work everyday. Come see me on Wednesday.


MARTIN: What do you do at the stable?

KRISTI: I exercise the horses.

MARTIN: Do you like animals?

KRISTI: No, I don’t.

MARTIN: Do you like horses?

KRISTI: Yes, I only like horses. Come see the horses now!

TOGETHER: Can we? Great idea! Wonderful! Why not? Let’s go.

Setiap siswa akan mengucapkan nama semua hari dalam sepekan, dan setelah itu Anda mengucapkannya.

CELIA: Sunday

ANDA: ……...

RALPH: Monday

ANDA: ………

DON: Tuesday.

ANDA: ………

KRISTI: Wednesday

ANDA: ……….

DON: Thursday.

ANDA: ………..

CELIA: Friday.

ANDA: ………

RALPH: Saturday.

ANDA: ………..


MARTIN: Kristi, you work at the stable now. What did you do last year?

KRISTI: I didn’t work last year.

MARTIN: Ralph, you work in a restaurant now. What did you do last year?

RALPH: I worked in a music store.

MARTIN: When did you work?

RALPH: I only worked on Saturday.

MARTIN: Don, you’re a lifeguard now. Where did you work last year?

DON: I worked at a supermarket.

MARTIN: When did you work?

DON: I only worked on Sunday.

MARTIN: Celia, what did you do last year?

CELIA: I was a salesperson. I worked at the General Store.

MARTIN: When did you work?

CELIA: I worked on Friday and Monday.

Anda kini menyebutkan hari-hari apa Anda bekerja. Jawablah pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut dengan menyebutkan nama satu hari atau lebih.

CELIA: I work on Sunday. When do you work?

ANDA: ……………………………………….

RALPH: I work on Monday. When do you work?

ANDA: ……………………………………….

DON: I work on Tuesday. When do you work?

ANDA: ……………………………………….

KRISTI: I work on Wednesday. When do you work?

ANDA: ………………………………………..

DON: I work on Thursday. When do you work?

ANDA: …………………………………

CELIA: I work on Friday. When do you work?

ANDA: ……………………………….

RALPH: I work on Saturday. When do you work?

ANDA: ………………………………..

Anda baru saja mengikuti ENGLISH USA Suara Amerika, Pelajaran Ke 14, Bagian Ke 2. Ikutilah pelajaran selanjutnya.