This is ENGLISH USA, on VOA. Now, Lesson 42, Part 1. ENGLISH USA SUARA AMERIKA, Pelajaran Ke 42, Bagian Pertama.

Dalam pelajaran ini, Anda akan dibimbing memberi deskripsi gedung-gedung kepada orang lain. Martin Learner menanyakan beberapa orang di jalan untuk memberi deskripsi sebuah gedung.

MARTIN: Excuse me. Where is the Roosevelt Building?

RECEPTIONIST: You mean Roosevelt Towers?

MARTIN: Yes. That’s it. Roosevelt Towers.

RECEPTIONIST: It’s near the hotel.

MARTIN: I don’t know the hotel. Where is the hotel?

RECEPTIONIST: It’s near the church. Do you now the church?

MARTIN: I don’t know the church either. What does the building look like?


MARTIN: No. Roosevelt Towers.

RECEPTIONIST: It’s a tall building. Maybe forty stories. It’s all glass.

MARTIN: Can you show me?

RECEPTIONIST: Sure. Walk over here. Now. Do you see that tall glass building?

MARTIN: The round building?

RECEPTIONIST: Yes, that round building.

MARTIN: The blue glass building? That’s Roosevelt Towers?

RECEPTIONIST: No. That’s the Carter Building. Roosevelt Towers is near there.

MARTIN: I can’t see it.

RECEPTIONIST: No, you can’t see it from here. It’s behind the Carter Building.

MARTIN: OK. It’s near the hotel and the church. It’s tall and it’s glass. Anything else?

RECEPTIONIST: It’s green. The Carter Building is blue. The Roosevelt Building is green.

MARTIN: Is it round?

RECEPTIONIST: No. It’s square.

MARTIN: OK. It’s tall, square, glass and green.

RECEPTIONIST: And it’s near the church and the hotel. You can’t miss it.

MARTIN: I can find it. Thanks.


MARTIN: Excuse me. I’m lost. can you show me the Roosevelt Building?

MALE: Uhhmm. You can’t see it from here. Do you see that very old building on the corner?

MARTIN: Is it a brick building?

MALE: Yes, the red brick building.

MARTIN: Does it have stone around the door and windows?

MALE: Yes, that’s the one. Go to that corner. Turn right and walk about three blocks. Look left. You can see Roosevelt Towers from there. You can’t miss it.

MARTIN: Go to the red brick building. Turn right and walk three blocks. Look left.

MALE: Roosevelt Towers is very tall. It’s all glass.

MARTIN: OK. Thanks.

Perhatikan bagaimana kita memberi deskripsi gedung. Kita menyebut bentuknya, seperti round, square. Kita menyebut ukurannya, seperti tall, big, small. Kita menyebut bahan bangunannya, seperti glass, brick. Kita menyebut warnanya, seperti blue, green, red. Dengarkan lagi beberapa kalimat.

MARTIN: The round building?

RECEPTIONIST: It’s square. It’s a tall building. It’s all glass.

MARTIN: Is it a brick building?

RECEPTIONIST: The Carter Building is blue. The Roosevelt Building is green.

Jawablah sekarang pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut mengenai gedung-gedung yang digambarkan sampai sekarang.

MARTIN: Is the Carter Building blue or red?

ANDA: ……………………………….

MARTIN: Is the Roosevelt Building round or square?

ANDA: ……………………………….

MARTIN: Is the Roosevelt Building brick or glass?

ANDA: …………………………


MARTIN: Excuse me. Is this the Roosevelt Building?

FEMALE: Yes, it is.

MARTIN: Thanks.


MARTIN: Excuse me. Where is the National Insurance Company?

GUARD: It’s not in this building.

MARTIN: Oh, no!

Anda baru saja mengikuti ENGLISH USA SUARA AMERIKA, Pelajaran Ke 42, Bagian Pertama. Jangan lupa mengikuti pelajaran selanjutnya.