This is ENGLISH USA, on the Voice of America. Now, Lesson 30, Part 2. ENGLISH USA Suara Amerika, Pelajaran Ke 30, Bagian Ke 2.

Dalam pelajaran ini Anda akan dibimbing menyatakan kepada orang lain, apa yang ingin Anda lakukan, atau apa yang Anda inginkan terjadi. Martin mewawancarai seorang pelatih football mengenai pekerjaannya dan regunya.

MARTIN: That was a wonderful game, coach Havranek. Are you happy?

COACH: I’m very happy. I wanted to win, and we did.

MARTIN: Was this an important game?

COACH: Yes, it was an important game. It was the first game this year. That’s very important. It’s important to win the first game.

MARTIN: What did you want to learn in this game?

COACH: I wanted to learn where we have problems. I wanted to see the new men play. I wanted to know the men better.

MARTIN: Weren’t the men all good?

COACH: They were good. I want them be better. I want them to be very good.

MARTIN: What did you see?

COACH: I saw some slow men. I saw some men with problems. I want to work very hard tomorrow. I want the men to work hard. We’re going to work tomorrow.

MARTIN: What are you going to do?

COACH: I want to practice, practice!!

MARTIN: What do you want to practice?

COACH: I want to practice running. The team is very slow. They can’t run fast. I want them to run very fast.

MARTIN: What are you going to do?

COACH: We are going to run every day. And we’re going to talk. We’re going to look at the game. I want to look at the game on video.

MARTIN: Can the team be better?

COACH: Of course. They can be better. They can grow.

MARTIN: Do you like coaching?

COACH: Of course. I like coaching.

MARTIN: Do you want to coach here?

COACH: Yes. I like coaching here at the university.

MARTIN: What do you want to do in five years?

COACH: Coach.

MARTIN: Do you want to coach here?


MARTIN: What do you want to do in ten years?

COACH: Coach.


COACH: I don’t know. I want to coach high school. I want to teach younger boys and girls.

MARTIN: Do you want to live here?

COACH: I want to see in ten years. I want a small school. I want to know every boy and girl.

MARTIN: Are you going to coach football?

COACH: I can teach many sports. I like football, but I know soccer, baseball, softball. I know many sports.

MARTIN: Can you teach basketball?

COACH: I don’t want to teach basketball. I don’t like basketball.

MARTIN: You’re very good coach.

COACH: Thank you. I had good teams. I had good men.

Dengarkan lagi sang pelatih mengemukakan beberapa hal yang ingin ia lakukan.

MARTIN: What did you want to learn?

COACH: I wanted to see the new men. I wanted to know the men better. I want them to be very good.

MARTIN: What do you want to practice?

COACH: I want to practice running.

Katakanlah sekarang kepada Martin apa yang ingin Anda lakukan.

MARTIN: What do you want to buy?

ANDA: ………………………..

MARTIN: What do you want to play?

ANDA: ………………………

MARTIN: What do you want to see?

ANDA: …………………….

MARTIN: What do you want to do?

ANDA: ……………………….

PLAYER: Excuse me, coach. We’re going to a party. Do you want to come?

COACH: I don’t know. Martin, do you want to go to a party?

MARTIN: I want to talk. Can we talk at the party?

COACH: I don’t know. Where are we going?

PLAYER: We’re going to the River Hotel.

COACH: Who is going?

PLAYER: I don’t know. The team. All the players.

COACH: We can talk at the hotel.

MARTIN: I want to come.

COACH: Good. I’m going to Fort Worth tomorrow. We can talk tonight. Let’s go.

MARTIN: Thanks.

COACH: Do you have a car?

MARTIN: Yes, I do.

COACH: Let’s take your car.

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