This is ENGLISH USA, on VOA. Now, Lesson 17, Part 1. ENGLISH USA, Pelajaran Ke 17, Bagian Pertama.

Dalam pelajaran ini Anda akan dibimbing menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan tentang tempat tinggal Anda dan di mana Anda tinggal. Martin Learner bercakap-cakap dengan beberapa petani tentang tempat tinggal mereka.


MARTIN: Hello. I’m Martin Learner.

WILT: I’m Wilt Brauer. How are you?

MARTIN: Fine thanks. How are you?

WILT: Fine thanks. This is Mrs.Brauer.

MARTIN: Good evening, Mrs. Brauer.

EMILY: I’m Emily. What do you do, Mr. Learner?

MARTIN: I’m a reporter. May I ask some questions?

WILT: Of course.

MARTIN: Are you a farmer?

WILT: Yes, I am.

MARTIN: Are all these men farmers?

WILT: Yes, they are.

EMILY: Some women are farmers too.

WILT: Emily is a good farmer.

EMILY: Yes, we’re both farmers. Would you like some coffee?

MARTIN: Yes, please.

EMILY: Come with me.


MARTIN: Thank you.

EMILY: You’re welcome. Have you met Chuck Kessler?

MARTIN: No, I haven’t. Hello, how are you?

CHUCK: Fine thanks. Who are you?

MARTIN: Martin Learner. Are you a farmer?

CHUCK: Oh, yes. We’re all farmers.

MARTIN: Where do you live?

CHUCK: I live in the country.

EMILY: He and Mrs. Kessler live in a big house east of here.

MARTIN: Where do you live, Emily?

EMILY: We live south of here. We live in a small house.

CHUCK: Where do you live? Do you live on a farm?

MARTIN: No, I don’t. I live in Baltimore. I live in an apartment.

CHUCK: Do you like the city?

MARTIN: Yes. I like the country too. But my home is in the city.


MARTIN: This is a good coffee.

EMILY: Thanks. Have you met Lisa Jankusky?

MARTIN: No, I haven’t.

LISA: I’m Lisa. How are you?

MARTIN: Fine thanks. How are you?

LISA: Fine thanks.

MARTIN: Are you a farmer?

LISA: No, I’m not. I’m a housewife.

MARTIN: Do you live here in town?

LISA: No, I don’t. My home is in the country.

MARTIN: My home is in the city.

LISA: Do you live in a house?

MARTIN: No, I live in an apartment.

LISA: My home is west of here. I live in a big house.

Dapatkah Anda sekarang bercakap-cakap tentang tempat tinggal Anda? Dengarkan sekali lagi beberapa kalimat.

MARTIN: Do you live in the city?

EMILY: No, I don’t. My home is in the country.

MARTIN: Do you live in a house?

EMILY: Yes I do.

LISA: Do you live in the country?

MARTIN: No, I don’t. I live in the city.

LISA: Do you live in a house?

MARTIN: No, I don’t. I live in an apartment.

Sekarang, jawablah pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut:

MARTIN: Do you live in the city?

ANDA: ....................

MARTIN: Do you live in a house?

ANDA: ......................


LISA: Hi, Wilt. This is Martin.

MARTIN: We’ve met. Wilt, where is your house?

WILT: It’s south of here.

MARTIN: May I visit our farm?

WILT: Of course. Can you come on Monday?

MARTIN: No, I can’t.

WILT: Can you come on Tuesday?

MARTIN: Yes. I want to ask you some questions on Tuesday.

WILT: OK. Goodbye.

LISA: Goodbye, Wilt. HI, Eric. This is Martin.

ERIC: Hi. I’m Eric Jankusky.

MARTIN: Are you Lisa’s husband?

ERIC: Yes, I am.

MARTIN: Are you a farmer?

ERIC: Yes, I am. All these men are farmers.

Anda baru saja mengikuti pelajarn ENGLISH USA Suara Amerika, Pelajaran Ke 17, Bagian Pertama. Ikutilah Bagian ke 2, Pelajaran ke 17 ini. Dalam pelajaran itu, Martin berkunjung ke sebuah tempat pertanian, dan ia bercakap-cakap tentang bertani.