This is ENGLISH USA, on VOA. Now, Lesson 12, Part 2. ENGLISH USA, Pelajaran Ke 12, Bagian Ke 2.

Dalam pelajaran ini, Martin Learner melanjutkan percakapannya dengan para orang tua dan guru murid-murid yang dikunjunginya di sekolah. Mereka bercakap-cakap tentang pekerjaan yang mereka lakukan.

MARTIN: Black coffee, please.

MRS.W: No sugar?

MARTIN: That’s right. Thank you.

MRS.W: Mr. McCammon. This is Martin Learner.

MR.MC: Hello. I’m Malcolm McCammon. How are you?

MARTIN: Fine thanks. How are you? What do you do?

MR.MC: I’m Conrad’s father.

MARTIN: What grade?

MR.MC: Second grade. I’m a father and a lawyer.

MARTIN: Where are you from?

MR.MC: I’m from Lawrence, Kansas. I studied at the university there. What do you do?

MARTIN: I’m a reporter for the Voice of America. I’m writing a story about schools.

MRS.W: This is Glen Edwards.

MARTIN: Hello. How are you?

GLEN: Fine thanks. How are you?

MARTIN: Fine thanks.

GLEN: Are you a father?

MR.MC: He’s a reporter.

MARTIN: I’m a father too. What’s that?

GLEN: It’s corn.

MR.MC: It’s red!

GLEN: Yes. It’s interesting.

MARTIN: Your child is in the third grade?

GLEN: Yes, my son is in the third grade.

MARTIN: What do you do?

GLEN: I’m a gardener. I grow red corn.

MR.MC: He’s a gardener. He’s a banker too.

MARTIN: Is your son a gardener?

GLEN: Yes. He grows carrots and onions. I grow corn, tomatoes, potatoes, and squash.

MARTIN: Mr. McCammon, are you a gardener?

MR.MC: Oh, no. But I’m a cook.

GLEN: Yes, he’s a good cook.

MR.MC: I don’t cook red corn! I cook yellow corn and white corn, but I don’t cook red corn.

MRS.W: Mr. Learner. Come meet Miss Frazetta. Tobi, this is Martin Learner.

TOBI: Good evening. Are you a teacher?

MARTIN: No, I’m a reporter.

TOBI: That’s interesting. I’m a reporter too.

MARTIN: I write stories for radio.

TOBI: I write for the newspaper. Are you a parent?

MARTIN: Yes, but my children are in Baltimore.

TOBI: Are you from Baltimore?

MARTIN: Yes, I live in Baltimore.

TOBI: My daughter is in fourth grade.

MARTIN: I visited fifth grade today. What’s that?

TOBI: It’s a rock. They’re studying rocks in science.

MARTIN: What’s that?

MRS.R: Soybeans.

MARTIN: What’s that?

PAT: It’s beans.

MARTIN: What’s that?

GLEN: It’s corn.

MARTIN: What’s that?

TOBI: It’s a rock.

Berlatihlah mengajukan pertanyaan “What’s that?” Ajukanlah pertanyaan mengenai benda-benda yang namanya ingin Anda ketahui dalam bahasa Inggris. Tuliskan nama-nama itu dalam buku catatan Anda, agar Anda bisa menggunakannya kelak.

MARTIN: Hello, I’m Martin Learner.

JILL: Hi. I’m Jill Goldsmith.

MARTIN: What do you do? Are you a teacher?

JILL: No, I’m a student. I’m studying art. I’m going to teach art.

MARTIN: Where are you studying?

JILL: At the university.

MARTIN: Would you like coffee?

JILL: No, I would like cake.

MARTIN: Hello, Gary. This is Miss Goldsmith. This is Gary Durant. He’s the assistant principal.

GARY: Hello, Miss Goldsmith.

JILL: Call me Jill.

MARTIN: She’s a student. She’s going to be an art teacher.

GARY: I’m delighted.

JILL: Are you a teacher?

GARY: Yes, I teach mathematics.

MARTIN: Excuse us. We’re going to find cake and coffee.

GARY: Come with me.

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