This is English USA, on VOA. Now, Lesson 8, Part 2. ENGLISH USA, Pelajaran Ke 8, Bagian Ke 2.

Dalam pelajaran ini Anda akan dibimbing memberi alamat Anda dan menyatakan apa pekerjaan Anda. Dengarkan Martin menanyakan orang-orang di tempat kecelakaan itu di mana tempat tinggal mereka.

MARTIN: Hello. I’m Martin Learner. I’m a reporter. I want to ask you some questions.


MARTIN: You’re a student.

ALEX: Yes, I’m a student. I’m Alexander Macrakis.

MARTIN: Alexander Macrakis. Please, write it for me.


MARTIN: Where are you from?

ALEX: I’m from Chicago.

MARTIN: Hello. I’m Martin Learner. Who are you?

NANCY: Hi. I’m Nancy Kim.

MARTIN: Where do you live?

NANCY: I live at sixteen Carter Street. Where do you live?

MARTIN: I live in Baltimore. This is Alexander Macrakis.

NANCY: Hi. I’m Nancy. What do you do?

ALEX: Hi, Nancy. I’m a student. I’m from Chicago.

PAULA: Excuse me, where is a telephone?

MARTIN: Sorry. I don’t know. I’m from Baltimore.

ALEX: I don’t know. I’m from Chicago.

NANCY: Hi. I’m Nancy Kim.

PAULA: Hello. Where is a telephone?

NANCY: Go straight ahead. Turn left on Michigan Street. There is a telephone at the coffee shop.

PAULA: Thanks. By the way, I’m Paula Roberts.

NANCY: He’s Martin.

MARTIN: Martin Learner.

PAULA: What do you do?

MARTIN: I’m a reporter. Who do you do?

PAULA: I’m a lawyer.

MARTIN: Where are you from?

PAULA: Here. I live here.

NANCY: I live here too. He lives in Chicago. And he lives in Baltimore.

PAULA: Let’s see. You’re Alexander. You’re Nancy. And you’re Martin.

MARTIN: Wonderful.

PAULA: But the telephone. Where is the telephone?

NANCY: Go straight ahead. Turn left on Michigan Street. Then go to the coffee shop.

PAULA: Thank you very much. Goodbye.

SEMUA: Goodbye, bye, bye-bye.

Baik kita dengarkan lagi beberapa pertanyaan dan jawaban, kemudian Anda menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang menyusul.

MARTIN: Where do you live?

NANCY: I live at sixteen Carter Street.

MARTIN: Where do you live?

ALEX: I live at nine-three-eight North Florida Street.

MARTIN: Where do you live?

PAULA: I live at fifty-five Georgia Street.

Sekarang, Anda menjawabnya.

MARTIN: I live at fourteen-twenty-seven Grant Street. Where do you live?

ANDA: ………………………………..

PAULA: I live at fifty-five Georgia Street. Where do you live?

ANDA: ………………………………….

Mari kita dengarkan bagian lain dari percakapan tadi.

POLISI: Who are you?

PAULA: I’m Paula Roberts.

POLISI: Who are you?

MARTIN: I’m Martin Learner.

POLISI: Who are you?

NANCY: I’m Nancy Kim.

POLISI: Who are you?

ALEX: I’m Alexander Macrakis.

Anda yang menjawab sekarang:

POLISI: Who are you?

ANDA: ………………

MARTIN: I’m Martin Learner. Who are you?

ANDA: ……………………….

NANCY: I’m Nancy Kim. Who are you?

ANDA: ……………….

ALEX: I’m Alexander Macrakis. Who are you?

ANDA: ………………………


POLISI: Thank you for your time.

BEBERAPA ORANG: That’s all right. No trouble. Any time. Glad to help. Don’t mention it.

MARTIN: Well, goodbye, Alexander. Goodbye, Nancy.

ALEX: Goodbye, Mr. Learner.

NANCY: Bye, Martin.

ALEX: ….Nancy.


ALEX: Please call me Alex.

NANCY: O.K., Alex.

ALEX: Where do you work, Nancy?

NANCY: I work at the Arizona Hotel.

ALEX: Where is the Arizona Hotel?

NANCY: Straight ahead. Do you see that tall, glass building? That’s the Arizona Hotel.

ALEX: What do you do?

NANCY: I’m an accountant. What are you studying?

ALEX: I’m studying computers.

NANCY: That’s wonderful. I like computers.

ALEX: Do you like coffee?

NANCY: Yes, I like coffee. I’m going to go to work. Let’s have coffee together before I go back to the hotel.

Anda baru saja mengikuti pelajaran ENGLISH USA Suara Amerika, Pelajaran Ke 8, Bagian Ke 2. Dalam pelajaran ini kita tinjau kembali cara memperkenalkan diri, dan memberitahukan tempat tinggal serta bidang pekerjaan. Jangan lupa mengikuti pelajaran selanjutnya.