Tautan-tautan Akses

HOW DO YOU SAY THAT 146 - 2003-01-02


Alexa: Hallo apa kabar? Gimana libur Lebarannya? I hope you had a good one! Everyone at VOA is back and of course, here is another edition of HDYST.

Puspita: Ada email dari felitris@denet.net.id. Ia menanyakan bagaimana seorang anak menyatakan ingin buang air kecil.

Asri: Ma...aku mau pipis!

Alexa: Eh ada anak siapa tuh?

Puspita: Biasa, si Asri sok imut-imut...

Alexa: Well, when I was little I remember saying: “Mommy, I need to go to the bathroom.”

Asri: Iya, biasanya anak kalau ingin pipis, bilangnya mau ke kamar mandi. “I need to go to the bathroom” Terus ibunya nih yang suka sok imut-imut bilang: “Oh...my little princess needs to peepee...”

Puspita: Lain lagi kalau kita pergi ke dokter atau laboratorium untuk periksa urin. Petugasnya akan bilang apa Alexa?

Alexa:Well, maybe the lab attendant would say: “I need a urine sample in this container.” Here’s another example: “This type of bladder infection causes the patient to urinate frequently.”

Asri: Urinate, mengejanya U-R-I-N-A-T-E. “Infeksi kandung kemih menyebabkan pasien sering buang air kecil.”

Puspita: Nah sekarang pertanyaan kedua, bagaimana jika seorang anak ingin buang air besar.

Alexa: I remember when I was a little girl I was too embarrassed to say, so I said the same thing: “I need to go to the bathroom.”

Asri: Biasanya ibunya yang langsung menyambung dengan: “Oh my little princess has to poopy doopy...”

Puspita: Tapi jangan salah, kata poop mempunyai pengertian lain jika ditambah akhiran –ed. Betul kan Alexa?

Alexa: Ya, betul. Pooped out means exhausted or tired. Contohnya: “Laura, who has a 2 month old baby, was pooped out when she had to change the baby’s diaper all night long.” Atau bisa bilang :”I’m pooped” Saya cape!

Asri: Arti kalimat contoh tadi: “Laura, ibu dari bayi berumur 2 bulan, kelelahan ketika ia harus mengganti popok bayinya sepanjang malam.

Puspita: Pooped mengejanya: P-O-O-P-E-D. Sekarang pertanyaan terakhir, apa istilah untuk ngompol.

Alexa: Bed wetting. You call a child who does this a bed wetter. Contohnya: “She was reluctant to go to the sleepover at her friend’s house because she still wets the bed.”

Asri: “Ia ragu-ragu untuk pergi menginap di rumah temannya, karena masih suka ngompol.”

Puspita: Bedwetting, mengejanya B-E-D W-E-T-T-I-N-G. Sekian dulu HDYST...udah ya jangan ngompol...

Asri & Alexa: Yes Mommy!

Puspita: Saya Puspita S Candra

Asri: Asri Poeraatmadja dan

Alexa; Alexa Hergesell, dari studio satu