Tautan-tautan Akses


This is English USA, on the Voice of America. Now, Lesson 46, Part 1. ENGLISH USA Suara Amerika, Pelajaran Ke 46, Bagian Pertama.

Dalam pelajaran ini Anda akan dibimbing mengajukan pertanyaan tentang sesuatu daerah atau bagian dari sesuatu daerah luas. Martin Learner mengunjingi Washington, ibu kota Amerika, bersama serombongan wartawan asing.


MARTIN: Good morning.

CAST: Good morning.

MARTIN: I’m happy to see all of you this morning. Did you sleep well? Have you met Melvin? Melvin is our driver this morning. He knows Washington very well. He’s going to show us his neighborhood.

MALE: Are we going to see the White House?

MARTIN: Of course. We’re going to show you many places. Then you tell us places to visit. OK? Let’s go, Melvin.


MARTIN: We are beside the Mall. The Mall is this green area.

FEMALE: Is it a park?

MARTIN: Yes, it is. It’s green grass and trees. Look straight ahead. That’s the Capitol Building. The Mall goes from the Capital Building to the Lincoln Memorial is behind us. We’re going to visit that later.

MALE: What is this area called?

MARTIN: It’s Capitol Hill. That’s the Capitol Building. Look behind. We are on a low hill. It’s capitol Hill.

FEMALE: Are these government buildings?

MARTIN: Some are government buildings. That’s the Library of Congress. Most of the small buildings are homes. See the buildings on the right? Those are private homes.

MALE: Are there any businesses?

MARTIN: Yes, Capitol Hill has a few businesses. It has many houses and apartments too. Here. See the nice restaurants and small shops?

MALE: Are we going to stop for morning coffee at Union Station.

FEMALE: What’s that? What’s Union Station?

FEMALE: What’s that? What’s Union Station?

MARTIN: It’s a train station. It was renovated a few years ago. Now it’s all new. It has several movies, many interesting shops, good places to eat.

MALE: Does it have any train?

MARTIN: Yes, it does.

MARTIN: OK, now. Look. This is the stadium. You can see football games here.

FEMALE: Do African American people live here?

MARTIN: Of course. All kinds of people live on Capitol Hill. Look at the people on the street. Asian Americans, African Americans, Hispanic Americans—all kinds of Americans live here.

FEMALE: Are the people rich?

MARTIN: Some of the people are rich, some of the are poor.

MALE: Do government people live here?

MARTIN: What do you mean, government people?

MALE: People in Congress?

MARTIN: Some congressmen and congresswomen live on Capitol Hill. But they live other places too.

FEMALE: Is Capitol Hill part of Washington?

MARTIN: Yes, it’s only one small area.

Dengarkan Martin memberi deskripsi daerah Capitol Hill di Washington.

MARTIN: We are on a low hill. It’s Capitol Hill. Some buildings are government building. That’s the Library of Congress. Most of the small buildings are homes. See the buildings on the right? Those are private homes. Capitol Hill has some businesses. It has many houses and apartments too. Here. See the nice restaurants and small shops?

Apabila kita menginginkan deskripsi sesuatu, umpamanya beberapa daerah atau tempat, kita bertanya “What’s that?” atau “What kind of place is that?”

MALE: What kind of place is that?

MARTIN: That’s a park.

Ajukanlah sekarang pertanyaan kepada Martin, dan ia akan menjawabnya.

ANDA: ……………………

MARTIN: That’s a school. Those are school buildings.

ANDA: …………………….

MARTIN: That’s a business area. Those are small businesses.

ANDA: …………………………..

MARTIN: That’s a residential area. Those are private homes.

ANDA: …………………….

MARTIN: That’s a hospital.

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