This is English USA, on VOA. Now, Lesson 35, Part 1. ENGLISH USA SUARA AMERIKA, Pelajaran Ke 35, Bagian Pertama
Dalam pelajaran ini Anda akan dibimbing mengajukan pertanyaan tentang waktu terjadinya sesuatu peristiwa, dan menangkap jawabannya. Martin membeli karcis untuk berbagai peristiwa di berbgai tempat penjualan karcis.
MALE: Good morning.
MARTIN: Good morning. I want to buy a train ticket to go Baltimore. What time is the train?
MALE: There is a train at four-fifteen. There is another train at six forty-five.
MARTIN: I want the six forty-five train. What time does it arrive in Baltimore?
MALE: At eight-thirty. Here you are.
FEMALE: Good afternoon. May I help you?
MARTIN: Hello. I want to buy some tickets to the concert.
FEMALE: What night do you want?
MARTIN: Next Wednesday please.
FEMALE: How many tickets do you want?
MARTIN: I want four tickets.
FEMALE: I don’t have tickets for Wednesday night. Do you want another night?
MARTIN: Do you have tickets for Thursday night?
FEMALE: Let me see. yes, I have four tickets for Thursday night. Do you want them?
MARTIN: Where are the seats?
FEMALE: Look here! They are right here.
MARTIN: That’s very good. I want those tickets. What time is the concert?
FEMALE: At eight o’clock.
MARTIN: What time does the concert finish?
FEMALE: At eight o’clock.
MARTIN: What time does the concert finish?
FEMALE: At ten-fifteen. Here are your tickets.
MARTIN: Thanks.
MARTIN: Hello.
MARTIN: I want some tickets for the ball game.
MALE: When?
MARTIN: For next week.
MALE: What day?
MARTIN: For Sunday.
MALE: Sunday afternoon?
MALE: How many?
MARTIN: Three.
MALE: Let me see. OK. I have three tickets for Sunday afternoon. Do you want them?
MARTIN: Where are the seats?
MALE: Right here. Behind the batter. Is that OK?
MARTIN: Good. I want those. What time is the game on Sunday?
MALE: I don’t know. Maybe it will finish at four or four-thirty.
MARTIN: OK. Thanks.
MALE: Wait!! Here are your tickets.
Kalau kita menanyakan seseorang mengenai waktu yang tepat, dalam bahasa Inggris biasanya kita memulai pertanyaan itu dengan “What time..” Umpamanya “What time is the ball game?” Dengarkan Martin Learner.
MARTIN: What time is the train?
MALE: At four-fifteen.
MARTIN: What time does it arrive in Baltimore?
MALE: At eight-thirty.
MARTIN: What time is the concert?
FEMALE: At eight o’clock.
MARTIN: What time does the concert finish?
FEMALE: At ten-fifteen.
MARTIN: What time is the game on Sunday?
MALE: At twelve-thrity.
MARTIN: What time does the game finish?
MALE: At four or four-thirty.
MARTIN: What time does the game finish?
MALE: At four or four-thirty.
Coba tanya Martin, Jam beberapa terjadi kegiatan-kegiatanya. Mula-mula akan Anda dengar sebuah contoh, kemudian Anda mengajukan pertanyaan kepada Martin. Mulailah pertanyaan Anda dengan “What time…”
MARTIN: I am going to the concert on Thursday.
FEMALE: What time is the concert?
MARTIN: I’m going to the ball game on Sunday.
ANDA: …………………………………..
MARTIN: I’m taking the train to Baltimore.
ANDA: …………………………
MARTIN: I’m going to the concert on Thursday.
ANDA: …………………………
MARTIN: I’m going to the game on Wednesday.
ANDA: ……………………………….
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