English USA on VOA ___________________________________________ PELAJARAN KE 103, BAGIAN KE 2
This is English USA,on the Voice of America. Now,Lesson 103,part 2. ENGLISH USA SUARA AMERIKA, Pelajaran ke 103, Bagian ke 2.
Dalam pelajaran ini akan ditinjau kembali kata-kata kerja dalam bentuk kini dan juga waktu lampau. Martin mewawancarai kepala museum pertanian. Mereka bercakap- cakap tentang kehidupan di daerah pertanian di masa lampau.
FRED: This is the kitchen. It was the most important room in the house. Most of the family life took place here.
MARTIN: There’ no water, no plumbing.
FRED: Very Few farm homes before 1900 had plumbing. The farmer’s wife or the children carried water from the pump outside.
MARTIN: How did they keep clean? How did they bath?
FRED: They didn’t bathe often. Usually one a week. Maybe they had a bath on Saturday night before church on Sunday.
MARTIN: Where did the bathe?
FRED: Here in the kitchen in front of the stove. They bathed in a large wooden or metal washtub. The children bathed. //washtub;bak cuci//
first, the farmer. They usually bathed in the same water.
MARTIN: Wasn’t there enough water?
FRED: There was plenty of water, but it had to be heated on the stove. The Farmer wife bathed later, after everyone else was in bed.
MARTIN: I suppose the children studied in this room. FRED: Yes. They sat around the table. There was a kerosene lamp in the middle of the table.
MARTIN: What were the father and mother doing?
FRED: The mother was probably doing some kind of sewing. The father was perhaps repairing something for the horses.
MARTIN: Where was the hired hand?
FRED: In a small house, he was with the family. He ate with the family, and slept with the other boys.
MARTIN: I would like to see the barn.
FRED: In this area, the barn was built close to the house.
MARTIN: It’s just across the road. Why was that?
FRED: Because of the cold winters. Later on, when farmers built new houses they built them away from the barn.
MARTIN: This barn is very large.
FRED: It had to be for all the animals. It also had storage space far all of the food for the animals. They had to store everything for the winter.
// storage space: tempat menyimpan//
MARTIN: The winters must have been terrible.
FRED: I don’t think so. It was a time for fun.
MARTIN: They couldn’t work in the fields of course.
Fred: Right. They could go to town more often. They visited neighbors. MARTIN: Were there many towns?
FRED: Yes. In the Midwest farm country, there was a small town within driving distance. MARTIN: What was in the town?
FRED: The most important thing was someplace for the farmer to sell some of his crops.
MARTIN: What else?
FRED: There was probably a high school. MARTIN: What about stores?
FRED: Yes, there were general stores. Women met one another there.
MARTIN: Where did the men meet?
FRED: In most towns, it was the barber shop. In some towns there were small hotels with bars.
MARTIN: Did people go to town often?
FRED: No, it took too much time. They went when they had to, or on Sunday for church.
MARTIN: It was a slow life.
MUSIK Apabila kita berbicara tentang waktu lampau, kita sering juga menggunakan kata-kata kerja bentuk kini. Dengarkan beberapa kalimat yang menggunakan kata-kata kerja yang berasal dari kata kerja “be” dalam bentuk kini dan bentuk waktu lampau.
This is the kitchen.
There are cows and horses.
He was with the family.
There were general stores. Apabila kita membicarakan sesuatu kegiatan di waktu lamapu, kita paling sering menggunakan kata kerja yang menyatakan kegiatan. Dengarkan beberapa contoh dalam bentuk masa lampau.
The children carried water.
They bathed in a washtub.
They visited neighbors.
Family life took place here.
They sat around a table.
He ate with the family.
Jawablah sekarang pertanyaan-pertanyaan Martin.
MARTIN: Where did the children study?
ANDA: ………………………………………… MARTIN: Where did the hired hand eat?
ANDA: …………………………………………
FRED: Do you know much about farm life, Martin?
MARTIN: Not much. I’m a city person. I don’t know anything about farm life in the early nineteen hundreds. This is great. Let’s walk through the barn.
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