Tautan-tautan Akses


This is ENGLISH USA, on VOA. Now, Lesson 16, Part 1. ENGLISH USA, Pelajaran Ke 16, Bagian Pertama.

Dalam Pelajaran ini Anda akan dibimbing mengajukan pertanyaan tentang rumah orang lain dan bercerita tentang rumah Anda sendiri. Martin Learner bercakap-cakap tentang tempat tinggal dengan seorang pemusik muda yang diwawancarainya di apartemennya.


MARTIN: Thank you. Thank you very much. That was wonderful.

MUSICIAN: You’re welcome. Do you like the violin?

MARTIN: I love the violin.

MUSICIAN: Would you like some coffee or tea?

MARTIN: No, thanks. I want to ask you some questions.


MARTIN: You’re a young musician. How old are you?

MUSICIAN: I’m twenty-one years old.

MARTIN: Do you have a family?

MUSICIAN: I have a family in Finland. I don’t have a family here.

MARTIN: Do you work? Do you have a job?

MUSICIAN: I’m a musician. I don’t work now. I’m a student.

MARTIN: Do you study at the university?

MUSICIAN: Yes, I do.

MARTIN: Do you practice at the university?

MUSICIAN: Yes. I practice at home too.

MARTIN: Where do you live?

MUSICIAN: I live here. This is my home. Where do you live?

MARTIN: I live in Baltimore.

MUSICIAN: Do you live in an apartment?

MARTIN: Yes, I do.

MUSICIAN: This apartment is very small.

MARTIN: I live in a small apartment too. It’s my home.

MUSICIAN: I live in a big house in Finland. But this is my home here.

MARTIN: Did you play the violin in Finland?

MUSICIAN: Oh, yes, I did. I played for many years.

MARTIN: Where did you play?

MUSICIAN: I played at school. And I played at home. My mother played the violin.

MARTIN: Did you play another musical instrument?

MUSICIAN: First, I played the piano. My father played the piano.

MARTIN: Do you play the piano now?

MUSICIAN: No, I don’t. I don’t study. I don’t practice the piano now.

MARTIN: When did you play the piano?

MUSICIAN: When I lived in Finland.

MARTIN: How long did you play?

MUSICIAN: Ten years.


MUSICIAN: Excuse me.. Hello, Manny. Come in.


MARTIN: Hello, I’m Martin Learner. How are you?

MANNY: Hi, I’m Manny.

MUSICIAN: Mr. Learner is a reporter. Manny is my friend.

MARTIN: I’m happy to meet you.

MANNY: Thanks.

MARTIN: Where is your home?

MANNY: Here.

MARTIN: Do you live here in this apartment?

MANNY: No, no. I don’t live in this apartment. I live here in Bloomington. My home is in Bloomington.

MUSICIAN: My home is very small.

MANNY: My home is very small too.

Kata “home” berarti tempat tinggal kita sekarang, entah itu sebuah rumah, apartemen atau tempat tinggal orang tua kita, atau di mana saja kita tinggal. Dengarkan bberapa kalimat lagi.

MARTIN: Where do you live?

MUSICIAN: I live here. This is my home.

MARTIN: Where do you live?

MANNY: I live in Bloomington. My home is in Bloomington.

MUSICIAN: Where do you live?

MARTIN: I live in apartment.

Jawablah pertanyaan berikut:

MARTIN: Where do you live?

ANDA: ………………….

Jawablah sekali lagi:

ANDA: …………………

Anda baru saja mengikuti pelajaran ENGLISH USA Suara Amerika, Pelajaran Ke 16, Bagian Pertama. Jangan lupa mengikuti Bagian Ke 2 Pelajaran Ke 16 ini.